President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2006 Opening Speech



Esteemed Guests, Valuable Friends, Welcome to You All. You have honored us.

The World Brotherhood Staff, undertaking the World Unification Project under the name “Call to World Peace from Universal Brotherhood”, 12th anniversary of which we are celebrating this year, has grown in number by leaps and bound each year and now has consciously started to lay the foundations of the future world that is respectable, living in happiness – tranquility – and peace.

Many of our brothers and sisters who are living deep in the chaos of the world evaluate our efforts under a different light in line with their own opinions and interpretations, being adversely affected by their pre-conditioned consciousnesses, since they unfortunately do not fully discern of this magnificent program.

However, we cannot help sympathizing with them. Because the humanity has so far lived in line with their own personal interests. It is not easy to embrace everybody with love, in a brotherly totality, with no discriminations of Religion – Language – Sect – Race. Because this is a matter of evolution and consciousness.

So tonight we have gathered under this roof to reflect our collective consciousness to our friends in the world who have different views and who have not relished this network of love yet. In the morrows, the foundations of a world desired will be strengthened with the help of our other friends all over the world who think like us and with them will put an end to grudges, hate and wars and will focus the humanity’s life activity on higher levels of perfection, pursuing positive views.

The road currently trod is extremely difficult and full of thorns. When we look back at history, we can see that no reform has been welcome with roses. It is always the first people treading the road who face all the hardships. When a building is constructed, it is those who lay the foundations, carry the plaster and bricks that pass through all those trials. Not the ones who will live in those buildings.

Currently our world is slowly shedding its old skin. And now this has become physically visible. In 2006, with addition of our friends from Spain, Mexico, Chili, Venezuela and Argentine to our World Brotherhood group, our family got even bigger.

We are grateful to our friends from different countries, who have taken the hand we have reached out from the heart of Anatolia to the whole world, on behalf of the whole humanity. We have opened out to the world, following the slogan of peace of our Atatürk and have cut the opening ribbon for the building of brotherhood.

You are our brothers and sisters who will build a future world full of peace and keep it so. While we are walking hand in hand on this Universal road, your one endeavor will find its reflections in our thousand endeavors.

I love everybody, everything and I love you. Be happy. Stay happy.

Thank you.



President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2006 Opening Speech

The Panelists of 2006

The Award Winners of 2006