President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2008 Opening Speech



Dearest Friends, Esteemed Guests, Hello, Welcome to you all, you have Honored us.

Tonight we have Gathered under this Beautiful Roof to Celebrate the 14th year of the World Unification and Peace Project together with our Universal Brothers/Sisters coming from many different countries of our World and with you Our Distinguished Friends.

Tonight I would like to talk a little bit about the reflection System. At the moment, Peace and Unification Projects on our Entire planet have been taken into effect through this reflection System. All the Sacred Books were dictated through this Reflection System. All the mediums have received their Information by this way. Inspirations and Revelations emanate from this System.

Our World has been taken into a very intense and Accelerated Evolution and reflection program as of the year 1900. At the moment maybe none of us is yet Conscious of this magnificent program carried out. However, this reflection System has henceforth gradually begun to Bear its fruit in the World. The Foundations of the Happy World of the Morrows will be layed through these reflection Systems.

Through these reflections Positive Coordinates come together according to their Levels of Consciousness and Evolution and Non-Governmental Organizations form in this way. These Non-Governmental Organizations will constitute the Foundations of a Just World state in the morrows. Through these Reflections made, Selections and Revisions of establishments such as Law, State and Holdings in the entire World have been coming into effect.

These reflections have found Fields of Action in every sector of the World as a Branch of research and formation in the entire World. Also through these reflections, the Entire Frequency of the “Knowledge Book” is received by those who have accomplished their Religious Consciousness progression in All the Religions, and they form a Brotherly/Sisterly World Roof beyond Religions and take into effect the Unification Project.

You, our Dear Friends, who have come from different countries of the Entire World at the moment are each a golden key of this project. “Kozmoz World Reflection System” is an Operational ordinance which is going to Convey the World to Maturity in a very short time. However in this medium, it is very Natural that Chaos will be experienced in parallel with the Ordinance of Balance.

Chaos is the Only Factor that causes the perfections; Sound and Genuine consciousnesses to spring up. This is a Universal program. The Operations carried out following this path have always conveyed Humanity to Success. However the Narrow Outlook and the Individual interpretations by the Worldly Consciousnesses who lack Information and Consciousness have been obstructing this magnificent project to advance in a faster way.

Consequently Humanity cannot come out of this Pit of the World Chaos easily. However, even though slowly, every step taken forward Every passing day conveys Humanity to Light, Peace, Friendship and Brotherhood.

The Human Being is the Savior of the Human Being; Human Being is the savior of the World.

I love Everyone and You Very Much.



President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2008 Opening Speech

The Panelists of 2008

The Award Winners of 2008