President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2013 Opening Speech



Esteemed Guests, Dear Friends,

Our noble Friends who have honored us this evening, the 19th Anniversary of the Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood, I embrace you with All the Love of My Heart and bid all of you welcome.

When I looked through All my Speeches that I have taken into effect on each evening of November 1 for 19 years, I saw that All the messages to be Given to the World had already been Given and I pondered long on what to write.

What Knowledge can I share with you in this Environment of Chaos that our World is currently Living through. Yes. Centuries ago our Sacred Books had Informed us that these days would come to pass. And now we are Experiencing those very Periods.

Since the year 1900, Kozmoz has Given messages of Friendship, Brotherhood and Sisterhood, Peace, Love, Unification and Acceptance to All Sections of the World. However, now we have the year 2013, it is clear that humanity has not been able to benefit from these messages.

As our World steps into a new Age, it is Very Natural that there will also be some Faltering in the steps taken. Facing each new Order, there will definitely be a negative program coming into effect. This is an Inevitable System.

Numerous programs that will Prepare our World for this Final Age have been taken into effect; however, I would Now share with you the Peculiarity of This Final Period.

In the year 1962, our World Came Across the Photon Belt for the first time. And until the year 1987, the World Humans were taken into a Training with ALPHA Energies, which Encompasses a program of 25 years.

In this program, Religious teaching programs came into effect rather with Themes of Love – Peace – Brotherhood. This First 25 Year Period is called the ALPHA Period.

The 25 Year Period that elapsed from the year 1987 until the year 2013 is called the BETA Period. In this Time Segment, it was rather intellect and Thoughts that came into effect and thus the Current Days have been reached.

In the year 2013, as the World Humans were Waiting for the Resurrection, our World made an Imperceptible Transition to the GAMMA Dimension.

The Gamma Dimension will in turn take into effect a 25-year program of weeding and Selection, thus separating the Wheat from the Chaff and Laying the Groundwork for the Emergence of All Beauty.

And in every Sector of our planet that has now entered into such a Period, Scannings are being carried out with unconventional programs. However, we know that all Difficulties that are experienced will lead to Salvation in the end. This has always been the case. For, this is an ordinance of Balance.

Following these Chaotic Periods that are currently being experienced, perfections will come into effect.

Humanity that will advance towards the morrows with firm steps, believing in this with heart and soul, will also take happy life Conditions into effect and finally put an End to the pains. Let Meeting in the Happy Morrows in Unity of Heart be an unswerving Motto of the Entire humanity.

My love and regards, thank you.



President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2013 Opening Speech

The Panelists of 2013

The Award Winners of 2013